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Field Studies and In the Classroom

Pi Day & Pi Competition, March 12 / 13 

Grade fours took part in a "Pi-Off" to see who could correctly recite the most digits of Pi.  Congratulations to our winners K. B and S. H! ! !  Congrats also to the other students who gave it a try: (in order)  ET, J from 304, CH, MLT, CD & KC.  Room 304 did a Pi Scavenger Hunt and Room 306 did a Kandinsky Concentric Circles art activity with their grade eight buddies.  Everyone enjoyed delicious pie!  Thanks to all the families who donated!  

Central Library, March 9th 

Students enjoyed a great "behind the scenes" look at how new technology helps the library sort and reshelve their returned materials.  They also send returned materials to other libraries all over Calgary.  The system is SUPER COOL and uses a conveyor belt system, which is part of our upcoming Simple Machines study.  Unfortunately we were not able to take part in learning from a First Nations Elder (this is being rescheduled).  

Pink Shirt Day, Feb. 26th 

Sorry no pictures, but the students and staff looked GREAT!  Pink shirts were worn to honour the (newish) Canadian tradition of wearing pink on this date, to show that we are kind and understanding, and against bullying. 

Esker Gallery, February 25th  

Students learned about the meaning of contemporary art, and enjoyed kinetic sculptures by renowned Calgary artist Katie Ohe.  There was much touching and spinning encouraged!  They also learned about Fort Calgary/Deane House/Northwest Mounted Police history and about the two old but super-special shacks near the Deane House. 

Closed Loop Final Presentations - February 19th 

A shortlist of grade four students presented their closed loop system writing and model to Elizabeth Romo from Nature's Ride (U of C environmental education group).  She chose winners and gave completion certificates to all the students, who later presented all their work at our grade four Celebration of Learning.    
Congratulations to N.L. from room 306 and the team of M & H from room 304.  

Science Olympics - February 12th 

Grade four students moved between four science sessions, earning points for their colour teams.  Like the real Olympics, we had an opening ceremony where students came in carrying their class flag proudly.  We also had a raucous closing ceremony with much cheering and crazy science demos.    

Solar Power Exploration / Solar Cars, January 27, 29, Feb. 10

Relay Education came in and led us in marvellous workshops looking at the different colours of light and their output, as we experimented with different angles.  Then we made solar powered cars using a motor, wheel/axle, some coroplast and alligator clips.  

Kid Inventor Day, January 17 

Oops, we don't have any pictures!  We were so engaged in doing our work, we forgot.  Students worked in groups across the two classrooms, to invent a device to help clean up the world's ocean pollution.  

University of Calgary Biosciences Lab - Fungi (Closed Loop System) |  January 9, 2020

Students learned about Fungi and prepared bags of fungi on dead plant matter, which we are now caring for at the school.  We hope to grow and eat some mushrooms! 

Fish Creek Bow Valley Ranche field study | December 17

We learned all about Alberta's history, going back 15 000 years ago to the end of the last ice age.  Students did a plant scavenger hunt, often finding interesting things like caves as a bonus. The weather was very mild and it was a great day!  

"Dare to Care" Anti-bullying workshop / assembly | December 10
Ask your child to tell you how to approach an adult about bullying:  1) Help Me Please; 2) Describe what's happening with juicy details and not just "Joey is bugging me"  3) Differentiate between bullying and conflict by specifying how long it's been going on (this time only?  two weeks?)  With the other child, they should be able to tell you how to assert themselves and how to give themselves positive self talk as they walk away.  Here, students are practicing role playing, including how best to act when you are one of the majority who had nothing to do with it but want to be supportive and kind 

Calgary Flames Alumni Visit | December 6

Calgary Flames alumni players Mason Raymond and Matt Stajan came to wrap up some work we'd done on Health (Nutrition/Exercise) and Money Management, through the NHL's own very good educational website.  They spoke very well about goal setting and the importance of education. 

 Book Talk at the Central Library / Devonian Gardens | November 25

Science personality Bob McDonald spoke to students about outer space and his new children's book "An Earthing's Guide to Outer Space".  At the Devonian Gardens, students were taught about some exotic species of plants (and koi!) by an expert gardener.  

Field of Crosses | November 5

Students wrote about their thoughts and observations, after seeing all the crosses.  Images and video were used in the school's Remembrance Ceremony. 

 Nature's Ride | October 24

Students are learning about closed loop systems (in terms of waste), and we have "Nature's Ride" coming to us to assist.  Student-made closed loop examples is some related project work.  We now have our own classroom worm bins; here, the students were learning about vermicomposting. 

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and Turbines | October 23
Students learned about aboriginal history and traditions, especially the buffalo hunt.  They also studied wind turbines / green energy sources.  

Author Visit | October 15
Canadian author Alice Kuipers

Battery and Marker Recycling | October 6 
Students made presentations around the school, teaching others about how and why batteries and markers should be recycled.  We left bags with each class, to be filled up during the year and recycled in June.  Students are welcome to bring in dead batteries and markers from home. 

Petal Pounding | September 30
Students pulled pigment from fresh petals and leaves, arranged in a design on canvas. They then sewed the fabric into pencilcases. 

Terry Fox Run | September 26, 2019

St. Patrick's Island | September 25, 2019
A study of plant life, plus picking rose hips for vitamin-rich tea.

Weaselhead | September 12, 2019
A riverbottom hike to examine plants.